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Node.js + mongodb or mongojs?

I have been recently migrating all my apps to node.js, like it should be. And I have been using the mongojs driver, however I recently found that there is a mongodb driver. I was wondering, is there any difference between this two? Performance?

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David Avatar asked Jan 26 '14 21:01


2 Answers

Mongojs is just simpler in its usage, because some functions and are wrapped and easier to call.

It doesn't affect the performance, but theoretically its a bit slower, because there is an additional function call.

You are good using Node.js and the native driver. For starters and cleaner code mongojs is a good option.

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dersvenhesse Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09


MongoJS, is more easy, simple and the final result is not slow.

For the last years i'm using only MongoJS for build API's, with millions of transactions per hour, without problems.

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Cesar Casas Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Cesar Casas