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Nodejs library / module for developing interactive CLI apps?

been googling for this and searching stackoverflow, but am not coming across anything. I want to develop an interactive shell with node, and wondering on the best approach for this. Is there a library that anyone could recommend to use?

I have written a library, and now want a CLI interface to interact with it, by 2 methods: running the app with parameters, or via interactive shell. e.g.

$ node myapp doSomething
App Result: I did something
$ node myapp cli
Entering interactive mode...
myapp> doSomething
App Result: I did something

Any suggestions?

like image 507
Brett Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 08:10


1 Answers

I guess commander.js is what you are looking for.



Also have a look at REPL http://nodejs.org/api/repl.html

like image 89
vinayr Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10
