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Node.JS kernel mode threading



I'm trying to figure out how does Node.JS (of its Windows version) is working behind the scenes.

I know there is user mode and kernel mode threads, and I know the processing model looks like this:

enter image description here

I also know that moving from a kernel mode thread to a user mode thread is consider to be a context switching.

Does Node.JS C++ Non-Blocking worker threads are kernel mode ? and where does the single event loop thread lives at kernel mode or user mode ?

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ohadinho Avatar asked May 23 '13 06:05


People also ask

Does node js support threading?

Node. js runs JavaScript code in a single thread, which means that your code can only do one task at a time. However, Node. js itself is multithreaded and provides hidden threads through the libuv library, which handles I/O operations like reading files from a disk or network requests.

Is NodeJs still single threaded?

Node JS Platform does not follow Request/Response Multi-Threaded Stateless Model. It follows Single Threaded with Event Loop Model. Node JS Processing model mainly based on Javascript Event based model with Javascript callback mechanism.

Why NodeJs is not single threaded?

NodeJs is not single threaded. The NodeJs event loop operates on a single thread yes, but the async blocking operations are delegated to separate worker threads. These threads notify the main thread when they are done processing.

Is node JS asynchronous single threaded?

You all know this or a similar sentence: Node. js is a single-threaded, non-blocking asynchronous concurrent runtime environment.

1 Answers

As you know node.js has a single threaded architecture. The JavaScript environment and event-loop is managed by a single thread only, internally all the other threads are handled by a C++ level thread pool (like asynchronous I/O handled by libuv thread) .

To answer your question these node.js C++ non-blocking worker threads are not kernel mode. They are user mode. The event-loop thread is also user mode. The threads request kernel mode as and when needed.

When the CPU is in kernel mode, it is assumed to be executing trusted software. Kernel mode is the highest privelege level and the code has full access to all devices. In Windows, only select files written by Windows developers runs completely on kernel mode. All user mode software must request use of the kernel by means of a system call in order to perform privileged instructions, such as process creation or I/O operations.

All processes begin execution in user mode, and they switch to kernel mode only when obtaining a service provided by the kernel. This change in mode is termed mode switch, not context switch, which is the switching of the CPU from one process to another.

I hope it is clear to you that even user-mode threads can execute privileged operations (network access) via system calls, and return to user-mode when required task is finished. Node.js simply uses system calls.

Source : http://www.linfo.org/kernel_mode.html


I should have mentioned that mode switch does not always mean context switch. Quoting the wiki:

When a transition between user mode and kernel mode is required in an operating system, a context switch is not necessary; a mode transition is not by itself a context switch. However, depending on the operating system, a context switch may also take place at this time.

What you mention is also correct that mode switch can cause context switch. But it does not happen always. It is not desirable to have context switches (heavy performance penalty) whenever mode switch happens. What happens inside Windows is difficult to say, but most likely mode switch does not cause context switch everytime.

Regarding the one-to-one thread model. Both Windows and Linux follow that. So given each user thread (like node.js event loop thread) OS provides a kernel thread, which takes care of the system calls. Node.js can only invoke mode switch through system calls. Context switch is controlled only by the kernel (thread scheduler).


Yes, HTTP.SYS executes in kernel mode. But there is more to it. Node.js does does not have many threads, so fewer context switching happens between threads unlike IIS. Context switch (mode switch) for each request is definitely less in HTTP.SYS. It is an improvement from past (which happened to be a disaster), see here. The context switching due to multiple threads is much more than reduction of context switch by using HTTP.SYS. So overall node.js has less context switches.

HTTP.SYS also has other advantages over node's own HTTP implementation that helps IIS. It may be possible (in future) to use HTTP.SYS from node itself to take those advantages. But for now, I don't think HTTP.SYS/IIS compete anywhere near node.js.

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user568109 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
