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nodejs: Is it possible to eval js code using runInNewContext and limit its execution time by a timeout?



I'd like to execute an untrusted js code using runInNewContext in node.js but as far as I see there is no way to limit its execution time. Also it is a sync operation. is there a way to set timeout on it or async version of it that will allow me to control its execution from 'outside'?

UPDATE: running in an external process is no good:

  • takes too much resources
  • more importantly, I need the code to have access to my data/code though sandbox environment
like image 764
Vitaly Kushner Avatar asked Jun 30 '11 02:06

Vitaly Kushner

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1 Answers

Run script in external process using dnode or child_process.fork, set deadline timer and kill process if timeout reached or timer if script finished.

like image 88
Andrey Sidorov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Andrey Sidorov