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NodeJS: How do I pass arguments to a function using process.nextTick



I'm trying to make a web crawler to fetch products from certain sites to reduce my memory usage (I've got a memory leak somewhere i haven't found). So I'm trying to send arguments to a callback asynchronously in order to terminate the current context.

This is where I'm at:

var big = html.get(url);
big = null; // this isn't going to get erased until after big is done is it?

This is what I've tried:

var big = html.get(url);
process.nextTick(function() {callback(big)}); // this seems wrong to me.
big = null;
like image 862
leech Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 22:08


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1 Answers

process.nextTick() doesn't support passing arguments like setTimeout() does. You will just need to make a function that passes the arguments.

So instead of:

setTimeout(myfunc, 0, 'arg1', 'arg2')

Use this:

process.nextTick(function() { myfunc('arg1', 'arg2') })

You can also use a function to build your function.

Finally, setTimeout doesn't support specifying the object that the function gets called on, so it's limited in its usefulness.

like image 164
Benjamin Atkin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Benjamin Atkin