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NodeJS + Express - Apply session middleware to some routes


I have an Express application with some routes, only two of them need to support sessions. I read everywhere that the middleware definition (app.use(express.session({...) applies only to the routes that comes after it, so I created this sample:

var express = require('express'); var app = express(); app.use(express.bodyParser());  app.get('/path1', function (req, res) {     res.send('text response'); });   app.use(express.cookieParser()); app.use(express.session({     secret: 'secret',     cookie: { maxAge: new Date(Date.now() + 2 * 60 * 1000) } }));   app.get('/path2', function (req, res) {     res.session.test = { "test": "test" };     res.send('text response'); });  app.listen(8088); 

But this doesn't work: in /path2 res.session is undefined.
If I move the session middleware definition up - everything works, but I see that sessions are being create when calling /path1 (this is what I want to avoid)

Can someone explain how a single application can use session in only some of the routes.


///// UPDATE //////

After more digging - I figured it out:

Don't use: app.use(express.session({ ... }));
Instead - define the following:

var sessionMiddleware = express.session({     //session configurations });  function sessionHandler(req, res, next) { sessionMiddleware(req, res, next); } 

Then apply the handler on the specific route/s that need session support:

app.get('/path_that_need_session', sessionHandler, function (req, res) {                       /* Do somthing with req.session */   }); 
like image 364
alonkad Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 10:04


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Instead, initialize the session middleware, save a reference to the resulting function then include it directly in the routes you want it on. Slightly simpler than the answer included in the update (you don't need the wrapper function). Show activity on this post.

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1 Answers

Don't use app.use(express.session({ ... })).

Instead, initialize the session middleware, save a reference to the resulting function then include it directly in the routes you want it on.

var express = require('express'),     app = express();  var session = express.session({     //session configuration });  app.use(app.router);   // must come after app.use(app.router); app.get('/your/route/here', session, function(req, res){     // code for route handler goes here }); 

Slightly simpler than the answer included in the update (you don't need the wrapper function).

like image 154
Waylon Flinn Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11

Waylon Flinn