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Node Mysql On Duplicate Key Update only updates unique row

I am using MySQL 5.7 with Node JS 6.11.0 and am trying to update a UNIQUE MySQL column whenever I insert a conflicting row. However, when I try inserting a conflicting record, only the existing record is updated to NULL and no insert happens. Here is my code

     pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
        var newClass = req.body;
        var query = `INSERT INTO classes SET ? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE teacher_id = NULL`;

        connection.query(query, newClass, function(err, result) {   
            if(result.affectedRows >= 1) {

I have to run the query twice for the row to be inserted; the first time the conflicting column is set to null then when I run the same query again, the row is inserted since there are no conflicts.

I have taken the SQL generated and directly run it from MySql console and I still have to run the query twice for the new row to be inserted. I do not understand why it is behaving this way.

Sql statement is

INSERT INTO classes SET `stream` = 'Red', `form` = '1', `teacher_id` = '7' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE teacher_id = NULL

My create table SQL is

| classes | CREATE TABLE `classes` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `form` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      `stream` varchar(15) NOT NULL,
      `teacher_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `teacher_id` (`teacher_id`),
      CONSTRAINT `classes_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`teacher_id`) REFERENCES `teachers` 
      ( `id` ) 

Why is MySQL behaving this way?

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Dennis Wanyonyi Avatar asked Aug 05 '17 20:08

Dennis Wanyonyi

People also ask

How does on duplicate key update work?

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is a MariaDB/MySQL extension to the INSERT statement that, if it finds a duplicate unique or primary key, will instead perform an UPDATE. The row/s affected value is reported as 1 if a row is inserted, and 2 if a row is updated, unless the API's CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is set.

How do I use insert on duplicate key update?

The Insert on Duplicate Key Update statement is the extension of the INSERT statement in MySQL. When we specify the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause in a SQL statement and a row would cause duplicate error value in a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY index column, then updation of the existing row occurs.

How do I avoid insert duplicate records in node MySQL?

How it is possible ? - Check for fields that You send to API with records in user table. Make sure they're not exist. For more detailed information to client-side app I recommend to check database table for record existence before doing insert.

Can primary key have duplicate values in MySQL?

When you insert a new row into a table if the row causes a duplicate in UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY , MySQL will issue an error. However, if you specify the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE option in the INSERT statement, MySQL will update the existing row with the new values instead.

2 Answers

        SET stream = 'Red', form = '1',teacher_id = '7'

Is telling MySQL when there is a conflicting record (duplicate unique or primary key), to set the offending row's teacher_id column to null and stop.

You have a couple options to achieve your desired result.

First you can use the REPLACE syntax.

REPLACE INTO classes SET stream = 'Red', form = '1', teacher_id = '7';

Which will first delete the offending row with the UNIQUE or Primary Key constraint, and Insert a new row with the specified values. The drawback is any omitted column values would be lost and set to their default values. A new auto-generated (if any) id will also be created if not specified in the query. If there is no offending record a normal INSERT will occur.

Otherwise, you can utilize VALUES within the UPDATE clause.

        SET stream = 'Red', form = '1', teacher_id = '7'
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stream = VALUES(stream),
                            form   = VALUES(form);

This will instead, update the records of the offending row to the values specified in the INSERT portion of the query.


  • https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replace.html
  • https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/insert-on-duplicate.html

Updated based on new intentions

In order to create a new record while leaving the previous row, you would need to first invalidate the UNIQUE constraint on the existing row, prior to using INSERT. There is currently no method to do this with MySQL in a single query.

Due to limitations on INSERT, the easiest way to accomplish what you need is to run an UPDATE query prior to the INSERT query.

UPDATE classes 
   SET teacher_id = NULL
   WHERE teacher_id = '7';
   SET stream = 'Red', 
   form = '1',
   teacher_id = '7';

This will first check for a conflicting teacher_id record and set it to null. If no conflicting record exists, no update will occur. The following INSERT would then create the desired record, without a conflict occurring.

like image 187
Will B. Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Will B.

If you want to insert data based on condition try this

INSERT INTO table1 SELECT 'Red',1,7 FROM table2 where teacher_id IS NULL;

else if you want to update based on trying this.

update table1 SET stream = 'Red', form = '1', teacher_id = '7' where teacher_id IS NULL;

Note: NULL = NULL is not really FALSE - it's NULL again. But it's not TRUE either, so IF(NULL = NULL) won't execute For example, NULL will test FALSE even against NULL itself. So, working with NULL is only done with the aforementioned functions (and IS NULL()). Your query could be rewritten as above.

like image 40
HariKishore Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10
