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node-inspector window is blank

Installed node-inspector via npm install -g nodeinspector.

I can get to the dashboard but it is just blank outside of a search bar.

I've tried starting the app/inspector/browser in all various orders and reinstalled node-inspector a couple times. It was suggested to manually install the connect and async modules and I did, but to no avail.

Any help?

enter image description here

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Ryan O'Neill Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 21:10

Ryan O'Neill

People also ask

What is inspector in node JS?

Overview. Node Inspector is a debugger interface for Node. js applications that uses the Blink Developer Tools (formerly WebKit Web Inspector). Since version 6.3, Node. js provides a built-in DevTools-based debugger which mostly deprecates Node Inspector, see e.g. this blog post to get started.

1 Answers

Install it with following command:

npm install -g node-inspector

Issue command in different command prompt:

node-inspector &

Run your program/app:

node --debug-brk your/short/node/script.js

Connect to<PORT>/debug?port=5858 and you’re good to go!

Browse only in a WebKit based browser: Chrome, Safari to get the debugging option.

You can ref.: http://github.com/dannycoates/node-inspector/blob/master/readme.md

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Amol M Kulkarni Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Amol M Kulkarni