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Node Inspector Console - Can't Execute Command, Goes to Newline Instead

I am running node inspector and trying to run commands in the console.

However, I cannot run them. Instead of running, hitting enter goes to a new line.

Using any other console in chrome works fine, just not Inspector's.

Have tried restarting node and inspector. Any ideas how to fix this?

like image 902
Elliot Avatar asked Oct 18 '16 19:10


1 Answers

It seems like Chrome v54, v56 are having this issue for both mac and windows. The easiest solutions so far is downgrading your chrome to v51, and I think some one is working on a PR to fix this.

You can download V51 from here http://google-chrome.en.uptodown.com/mac


Another work around is to use command node --inspect --debug-brk index.js

After running that, goto chrome, open chrome://inspect you will see a page like this enter image description here

Find the target and click the inspect, a debugger will be attached automatically and everything works from there. Just like it used to be in node-inspect, and the console works!

read this for more information


like image 52
LYu Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10