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Node: Automatically refresh browser on file change

I want my node app to automatically refresh my browser when a file changes (no external application).

I'd like to avoid using webpack dev server, as it doesn't allow me to use my own koa server, and is just generally a hassle to work with.

How can I automatically refresh my browser on file change?

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Elegant.Scripting Avatar asked Feb 15 '16 22:02


2 Answers

Try use watchr:


var watchr = require('watchr');
    paths: [__dirname], listeners: {
        change: function() {
            // Emits an event to all connected clients 


  socket.on('browserReload', function () {
     // Reload without using cache
like image 192
stdob-- Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11


So I figured it out.

It turns out koa-socket's API might work for some people, but it's generally a bunch of unneeded bloat. Also, watching the process is great, but if you already have node scripts doing that, it's redundant, and will break your code.

I ended up attaching socket.io to my Koa server with some pretty simple code:


var app = require('koa')();
var server = require('http').createServer(app.callback());
var io = require('socket.io')(server);
io.on('connection', function(){ /* … */ });

This worked great. The next step was to connect to my Koa server on the client. That code was also really simple as well:


var socket = require("socket.io-client")("http://localhost:3000");

So now socket.io was working on my server, and the client could connect to it. My server, thanks to node packages and scripts (like supervisor/nodemon), was restarted on any file change.

The next step was simple: when a file changes, the server restarts, when the server restarts, emit a socket.io event to all clients that forces a page reload. The code looked like this:


var serverRestarted = true;

if (serverRestarted === true) {
    serverRestarted = false;


socket.on("browserReload", function() {

And that was that. Sure, it was a pain working around packages that didn't work as intended or made undocumented changes to API's I was used to working with... so I didn't use them.

And I've ended up with something that works great during development.

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Elegant.Scripting Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11
