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No valid iPhone code signing keys found in keychain error Xamarin even after deleted Entitlements.plist

I'm getting this error iPhone code signing keys found in keychain error Xamarin even after deleted Entitlements.plist when trying to build the HelloWorld_iPhone app using Xamarin Studios. I understand Its require while deploy on real device but I'm building and trying to run on a simulator and still causes this issue. Is this known issue?

like image 811
Manish Avatar asked Oct 17 '15 05:10


2 Answers

Yeah it seems bug in Xamarin Studio It has work around that you must have AppleID just to login on XCode. Try following:

  • Create an Acount @ Apple Dev (If you don't have)
  • Open XCode and Menu
  • Preferences > Accounts > Add AppleID (Just Created)

(source: apple.com)

  • Now go back to Xamarin Studio and try to build your application again on simulator.

Try to rebuild and issues gone!!

like image 167
Mohammad Riyaz Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Mohammad Riyaz

In my case, there was already apple id but I clicked on ManageCertificate enter image description here

and then I added certificate by clicking on plus sign and its done. enter image description here

like image 20
Ishwor Khanal Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

Ishwor Khanal