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No such table - EF Core with Sqlite in memory

I'm trying to set up my testing environment, but I have trouble with Sqlite adapter. Each created context has the same connection so, in-memory databse should be built properly for each context.

But when I'm trying to add something new, it throws error: "No such table: %here_is_my_tablename%".

I think my configuration should be good.


public abstract class BaseServiceTests : IDisposable
    protected readonly SqliteConnection Connection;

    public BaseServiceTests()
        Connection = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:");

        using (var ctx = BuildCoreContext())

        using (var ctx = BuildWebContext())

    public void Dispose()

    public DbContextOptions<TContext> Options<TContext>() where TContext: DbContext
        var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TContext>()

        return options;

    public ServiceRequestCoreContext BuildCoreContext()
        var ctx = new ServiceRequestCoreContext(Options<ServiceRequestCoreContext>(), null);

        return ctx;

    public ServiceRequestWebContext BuildWebContext()
        var ctx = new ServiceRequestWebContext(Options<ServiceRequestWebContext>(), null);

        return ctx;


public class RequestServiceTests : BaseServiceTests
    public async Task Prepare()
        using (var ctx = BuildCoreContext())
            await ctx.RequestTypes.AddAsync(new RequestType((int)RequestTypes.Order, "TestType - test"));
            await ctx.RequestStatuses.AddAsync(new RequestStatus((int)RequestStatuses.AcceptedForVeryfication, "test - test", "test - test"));
            await ctx.Companies.AddAsync(new CustomerCompany(1, "test - test", "Test - test"));
            await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();

    public async Task when_creating_new_request_it_should_not_be_null()
        await Prepare();
        var customerId = 1;
        var iGen = new IdentifyGenerator();

        using (var webCtx = BuildWebContext())
            var service = new RequestService(webCtx, BuildCoreContext(), iGen);
            await service.CreateAsync(customerId);
            await webCtx.SaveChangesAsync();

        using (var ctx = BuildWebContext())
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bielu000 Avatar asked Jun 28 '18 10:06


2 Answers

To answer OP, I believe the problem is multiple contexts accessing the database, which doesn't work without a shared cache. Change your connection string to: "DataSource=file::memory:?cache=shared".

For those who wander here from Google, here are some other things to keep in mind:

  • At least one connection has to stay open to the database.
  • If the database will be accessed from multiple connections, you must use a shared cache as follows: string connectionString = "DataSource=file::memory:?cache=shared";
  • If using ADO.NET, the official provider does not work properly with Entity Framework. I ran into "no such table" errors while testing even though I had everything configured correctly, but once I changed from: System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection(System.Data.SQLite.Core nuget package) to the Microsoft provider: Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection then the errors disappeared.
  • The official Sqlite ADO.NET adapter is 2x times faster than the Microsoft ones! So unless you absolutely have to, it's better to use the official Sqlite adapter instead.

Example code:

public async Task MyTest()
    var dbContext = new MyDbContext("DataSource=file:memdb1?mode=memory&cache=shared");

        await dbContext.Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
        // Test your dbContext methods, which has an open connection to the in-memory database
        // If using ADO.NET to make new connections, use Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection
        await dbContext.Database.CloseConnectionAsync();

Also remember to read the documentation! :)

UPDATE: To make testing easier with the in-memory database, I created a TestContext that inherits from my DbContext in order to automatically handle the connections and db creation: (using NUnit this time)

public sealed class TestContext : UsersContext
    public TestContext(string connectionString) : base(connectionString)

    public override void Dispose()


public void AddingUsersShouldIncrementId()
    using (var dbContext = new TestContext("DataSource=file::memory:?cache=shared"))
        dbContext.UsersDbSet.Add(new UserEntity());

        uint actualId = dbContext.Users.Single().Id;
        Assert.AreEqual(1, actualId);
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Shahin Dohan Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09

Shahin Dohan

The SQLite In-memory database only exists while the connection is open. You can use different DbContext, but if the connection is closed, the memory db will be deleted.


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Gábor Plesz Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 15:09

Gábor Plesz