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No such file or directory in capistrano deploy


Here is the error when doing cap deploy:

*** [err ::] find: `/var/www/emclab/releases/20111208184942/public/images' *** [err ::] : No such file or directory *** [err ::] find: `/var/www/emclab/releases/20111208184942/public/stylesheets': No such file or directory *** [err ::] find: `/var/www/emclab/releases/20111208184942/public/javascripts' *** [err ::] : No such file or directory 

Any thoughts what causes the error? thanks.

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user938363 Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 19:12


2 Answers

I assume you updated to rails 3.1

I run in same problem recently. Solution:

Add this line to deploy.rb

set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false 

In fact this question is duplication of: Capistrano and deployment of a website from Github

only post it because found it on google quite high and this one has not got answer

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Piotr Mąsior Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 18:12

Piotr Mąsior

I struggled with this problem also.

Assuming you are using Rails 3.1, the answer is on this webpage: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html

The short answer is your assets (imgs, js, css) haven't been compiled for deployment to production. You can either compile them manually with this command.

bundle exec rake assets:precompile 

Or you can uncomment this line from your Capfile:

load 'deploy/assets' 

Or you can set your production environment to compile the assets in production, but I found that solution just created more problems and would recommend the two suggestions above.

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Lacy Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 19:12
