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No "pull" in Git Gui?

People also ask

How do I run git GUI?

Windows and Linux Users To run gitk, type gitk in your command line or terminal. To run git-gui, type git gui instead.

How push changes git GUI?

In Git Gui the “Push” button is just below the “Commit” button. TortoiseGit gives you a little more control over how you push with its dialog in “Git Sync”. After successfully pushing your repository to GitHub you will be able to browse your files on GitHub.

Well, I found this useful forum post: https://web.archive.org/web/20200211180001/http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/No-quot-pull-quot-in-git-gui-td1121058.html

A fetch and merge should be done.

It seems you need to go to "Remote" menu, then "Fetch from" option , in my case origin, and then go to "Merge Menu" and then "Local Merge...".

There is also a way to add the pull command to git gui.

When you open GIT GUI you can open the tab Tools and choose Add option.

You can enter a name, and as command enter git pull

This will add an option under the Tools tab. Just click this and a git pull will be done.

Considering this answer: it's not because a pull can be done that it should be done

This entry in .gitconfig works nicely for me:

[guitool "Pull"]
cmd = git pull $(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) | tr / " ")

It automatically selects current remote branch.