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No property null found on entity class java.time.ZonedDateTime to bind constructor parameter to

I have the following configuration


@EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = Constants.DATA_SCAN)
@EnableMongoAuditing(auditorAwareRef = "auditorAwareService")
@Import(value = MongoAutoConfiguration.class)
public class DatabaseConfiguration {

    public ValidatingMongoEventListener validatingMongoEventListener() {
        return new ValidatingMongoEventListener(validator());

    public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
        return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();

    public CustomConversions customConversions() {
        final List<Converter<?, ?>> converters = new ArrayList<>();
        return new CustomConversions(converters);

I added custom converters but I am still getting:

No property null found on entity class java.time.ZonedDateTime to bind constructor parameter to!

@Document(collection = "user")
public class User implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private String id;

    private ZonedDateTime resetDate = null;


    <relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


Converter class

public final class JSRConverters {

    private JSRConverters() {}

    public static class ZonedDateTimeToDateConverter implements Converter<ZonedDateTime, Date> {

        public static final ZonedDateTimeToDateConverter INSTANCE = new ZonedDateTimeToDateConverter();

        private ZonedDateTimeToDateConverter() {}

        public Date convert(final ZonedDateTime source) {
            return source == null ? null : Date.from(source.toInstant());

    public static class DateToZonedDateTimeConverter implements Converter<Date, ZonedDateTime> {

        public static final DateToZonedDateTimeConverter INSTANCE = new DateToZonedDateTimeConverter();

        private DateToZonedDateTimeConverter() {}

        public ZonedDateTime convert(final Date source) {
            return source == null ? null : ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(source.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault());
like image 675
Saurabh Kumar Avatar asked Feb 09 '17 09:02

Saurabh Kumar

1 Answers

i have the same setup working, but using org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.MongoCustomConversions instead of org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.convert.CustomConversions

public MongoCustomConversions customConversions() {

    final List<Converter> converters = new ArrayList<>();
    converters.add(new ZonedDateTimeFromDateConverter());
    converters.add(new ZonedDateTimeToDateConverter());

    return new MongoCustomConversions(converters);

and another hint, mongo returns the date in UTC (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/Date/), this means you'll get the time in UTC and not in you'r ZoneId.systemDefault(). My deserializer looks like this:

private static final ZoneId DEFAULT_ZONE_READ = ZoneId.of("UTC");

public static class ZonedDateTimeFromDateConverter implements Converter<Date, ZonedDateTime> {
    public ZonedDateTime convert(Date date) {
        return date.toInstant().atZone(DEFAULT_ZONE_READ);
like image 169
hyphen Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
