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No identities from profile "..." (happened after I upgraded to xcode 5)

I hit this weird problem that a profile used to work and does not expire now keeps telling me that "No identities from profile ..." and xcode prompted me that it can fix the issue by downloading a new profile. But that did NOT fix the issue and actually I found xcode did not download profile either. no valid sign identity

I tried to download a certificate from that profile from developer.apple.com and re-installed it. But xcode still complained "no identities".

I let xcode refresh profile from account tab, did not work either. I even deleted that profile from developer.apple.com and let xcode refresh profile, still no avail.

I checked keychain and verified that the certificate was in "My certificates" (I did not doubt that actually b/c it used to work so it should be there, right?)

So basically I run out of thought, any suggestions ?

BTW, I remembered this happened when I upgraded to xcode 5 and add a new device for development (Not necessarily the reason of course)

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Qiulang 邱朗 Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 15:03

Qiulang 邱朗

1 Answers

i tried everything!! this was the only thing that worked for me: Simply create a new production certificate AND create a new provisioning profile with the same bundle ID. (Yes, this will work if you are updating an app that is already live). Download the cert and prov. profile and run both (double click). Now repeat step 6 and archive. This should work.

like image 52
Maria Camila Avatar answered Apr 07 '23 12:04

Maria Camila