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No compatible AVDs with target 'Google APIs'




I am developing an android application and trying to launch it on an AVD. The API is set to Android 2.3.3. I have a 2.3.3 emulator (sdk version 10), and the android manifest reads:

    android:targetSdkVersion="10" />

I changed the target to 10 to match the api I have included in the project. How do I resolve this error:

[2013-01-30 23:18:47 - kiloboltandroidframework] Failed to find an AVD compatible with target 'Google APIs'.
[2013-01-30 23:18:48 - kiloboltandroidframework] Still no compatible AVDs with target 'Google APIs': Aborting launch.
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ceptno Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 14:12


2 Answers

While creating a new Android virtual device , select the Target as Google API - API Level 10

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Anukool Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 22:12


Android Api level 10 is different from Google Api level 10. Android comes with only android.jar file white Google Api comes with android.jar as well as maps.jar. your project might require Google Api's and you haven't installed them. To Install Google Api's go to SDK Manager and check. If they are already installed, then create a AVD with Google Api level 10 platform.

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TNR Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 23:12