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No binary operators for structured arrays in Numpy?

Okay, so after going through the tutorials on numpy's structured arrays I am able to create some simple examples:

from numpy import array, ones
names=['scalar', '1d-array', '2d-array']
formats=['float64', '(3,)float64', '(2,2)float64']
my_dtype = dict(names=names, formats=formats)
struct_array1 = ones(1, dtype=my_dtype)
struct_array2 = array([(42., [0., 1., 2.], [[5., 6.],[4., 3.]])], dtype=my_dtype)

(My intended use case would have more than three entries and would use very long 1d-arrays.) So, all goes well until we try to perform some basic math. I get errors for all of the following:

struct_array1 + struct_array2
struct_array1 * struct_array2
1.0 + struct_array1
2.0 * struct_array2

Apparently, simple operators (+, -, *, /) are not supported for even the simplest structured arrays. Or am I missing something? Should I be looking at some other package (and don't say Pandas, because it is total overkill for this)? This seems like an obvious capability, so I'm a little dumbfounded. But it's difficult to find any chatter about this on the net. Doesn't this severely limit the usefulness of structured arrays? Why would anyone use a structure array rather than arrays packed into a dict? Is there a technical reason why this might be intractable? Or, if the correct solution is to perform the arduous work of overloading, then how is that done while keeping the operations fast?

like image 763
user2789194 Avatar asked Oct 13 '14 21:10


1 Answers

On the numpy structured array doc pages, most of the examples involve mixed data types - floats, ints, and strings. On SO most of the structured array questions have to do with loading mixed data from CSV files. On the other hand, in your example it appears that the main purpose of the structure is to give names to the 'columns'.

You can do math on the named columns, e.g.


You can also 'iterate' over the fields:

for n in my_dtype['names']:
    print a1[n]+a2[n]

And yes, for that purpose, making those arrays values in a dictionary, or attributes of an object, works just as well.

However, thinking about the CSV case, sometimes we want to talk about specific 'rows' of a CSV or structured array, e.g. struct_array[0]. Such a 'row' is a tuple of values.

In any case, the primary data structures in numpy are multiple dimensional arrays of numeric values, and most of the code revolves around number data types - float, int, etc. Structured arrays are a generalization of this, using elements that are, fundamentally, just fixed sets of bytes. How those bytes are interpreted is determined by the dtype.

Think about how MATLAB evolved - Matrices came first, then cells (like Python lists), then structures, and finally classes and objects. Python already had the lists, dictionaries and objects. numpy adds the arrays. It doesn't need to reinvent the general Python structures.

I'd lean toward defining a class like this:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.scalar = 1
        self._1d_array = np.arange(10)
        self._2d_array = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

and implementing only the binary operations that really needed for the application.

like image 107
hpaulj Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
