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No archetypes currently available. The archetype list will refresh when the indexes finish updating

In Eclipse with m2eclipse installed, when I choose

File > New > Project... > Maven > Maven Project


Use default Workspace location


Catalog: Nexus Indexer

selected, the following error message is showing up:

No archetypes currently available. The archetype list will refresh when the indexes finish updating.

Why does this error occur?

like image 845
user1169587 Avatar asked May 16 '12 05:05


1 Answers

I had same problem and it was solved by adding a remote catalog: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml

This solution i found at : http://jira.talendforge.org/secure/attachment/36787/DeveloperGuide-Feedback.pdf

like image 168
Cris Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
