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No Android SDK environment set for Kivy in Ubuntu 12.04

I've written a game for Android using Python and Kivy. I have downloaded android-sdk-linux and added its path to .bashrc. I've also cloned the python-for-android project to create an apk package of my program. But when I write the following command as instructed in the Kivy manual, I get an error:

./distubute.sh -m "kivy"

    Check build dependencies for Ubuntu
    Check enviromnent
    No ANDROIDSDK environment set, abort


This is a picture of my ./android.sh in $android-sdk-linux/tools:


like image 312
Reza Shayestehpour Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 15:03

Reza Shayestehpour

2 Answers

Sincerely read the docs. In particular, pay attention to the environment variables you need to set mentioned at that bottom of the page.

Hope that helps.

like image 123
qua-non Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 16:11


I know that the question is a bit old, but:

export ANDROIDSDK="/path/to/android-sdk-linux"
export ANDROIDNDK="/path/to/android-ndk-rY" #change Y here
export ANDROIDNDKVER=rY #same here
export ANDROIDAPI=X #change X here

You have to change Y with the ndk version, and X with the API id.

You can add this to your ~/.bashrc.

It has solved the problem for me.

like image 2
Krozark Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 16:11
