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Ninject Missing IKernel.Get

I just updated Ninject from v3 to v3.0.1.10 using NuGet, and it broke my code. I can't find IKernel.Get, or related methods I depended on anywhere in the new library. I've scoured the Ninject website and blogs and came up short, I couldn't find a detailed changelog. I noticed there is a Resolve IEnumerable method... is this the only way to retrieve objects now? What happened to the Generics, and single-instance Resolve/Get methods?

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Martin Bliss Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 22:11

Martin Bliss

2 Answers

Nah, select isnt broken.

Most things in Ninject are extension methods. Are you using Ninject; ?

When you use Ctrl-Alt-O to look at your full compile errors, are you sure you're not getting an earlier error preventing the Ninject assembly from being loaded properly?

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Ruben Bartelink Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 16:10

Ruben Bartelink

Turns out to be related to my using ReSharper, and NOT Ninject. Sometimes ReSharper will miss methods, properties, etc... in scanning a solution, and deleting the cache is the only way to get ReSharper to scan again.

Resharper: Cannot resolve symbol 'Eval' in VS2010 SP1

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Martin Bliss Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 15:10

Martin Bliss