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NiceScroll show/hide

I'd like to hide/show NiceScroll based on the result of an if function.

In my html there are three sections which are scrolled from left to right one by one.

My script is as follows:

var section2 = $('#section2').offset().left; 
    var scrollZpos = $(document).scrollLeft();
    if (scrollZpos <= section2 ) {
    if (scrollZpos == section2 ) {
    else if(scrollZpos >= section2 ){

It hides when scrolling outside of section 2, but when scrolling back it doesn't reappear.

like image 544
Szymon Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 05:10


1 Answers

I found a solution to this answer on Github.

It's better to create NiceScroll during the document ready event.

like image 173
Szymon Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10
