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nicEditor link problems in Chrome and Firefox

I'm using nicEdit with the "link" button. And I have different problems with Chrome and Firefox when: I don't select any text and introduce a link and a title, then click Submit Query.

In Chrome, a link with the correct URL appears but with the content "javascript:nicTemp();" (ie, that's the html between the tags).

In Firefox the results is different: nothing happens.

Does anyone have a clue of how to fix/change this behavior?

If you download the nicEdit source you'll be able to see the executed code in src/nicLink/nicLink.js

like image 204
Santiago Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 03:10


1 Answers

There are forks on GitHub that have this fixed, e.g.: https://github.com/danishkhan/NicEdit

like image 190
Sascha Konietzke Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Sascha Konietzke