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Nginx subdomain configuration

I have nginx acting as a reverse proxy to apache. I now need to add a new subdomain that will serve files from another directory, but at the same time I want all location and proxy_pass directives that I have for the default host to apply to the subdomain also.

I know that if I copy the rules from the default host to the new subdomain it will work, but is there a way for the subdomain to inherit the rules? Below is a sample configuration

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  www.somesite.com;
    access_log  logs/access.log;
    error_log  logs/error.log error;

   location /mvc {
      proxy_pass  http://localhost:8080/mvc;

   location /assets {
      alias   /var/www/html/assets;
      expires     max;

   ... a lot more locations

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  subdomain.somesite.com;

    location / {
                root   /var/www/some_dir;
                index  index.html index.htm;


like image 346
Thomas Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 10:03


People also ask

How do I create a subdomain record?

Click on the DNS tab and scroll to the record card (or quickly jump to the DNS records for that domain by clicking the button in the top right). From there, click the Add record drop-down button, and select the type of record you want to create. A , ALIAS , and CNAME records will all create a new subdomain.

What is DNS subdomain?

A subdomain is a domain that is a part of a larger domain under the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. It is used as an easy way to create a more memorable Web address for specific or unique content with a website.

1 Answers

You could move the common parts to another configuration file and include from both server contexts. This should work:

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name server1.example;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/your-common-stuff.conf;

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name another-one.example;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/your-common-stuff.conf;

Edit: Here's an example that's actually copied from my running server. I configure my basic server settings in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled (normal stuff for nginx on Ubuntu/Debian). For example, my main server bunkus.org's configuration file is /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and it looks like this:

server {
  listen   80 default_server;
  listen   [2a01:4f8:120:3105::101:1]:80 default_server;

  include /etc/nginx/include.d/all-common;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/bunkus.org-common;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/bunkus.org-80;

server {
  listen   443 default_server;
  listen   [2a01:4f8:120:3105::101:1]:443 default_server;

  include /etc/nginx/include.d/all-common;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/ssl-common;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/bunkus.org-common;
  include /etc/nginx/include.d/bunkus.org-443;

As an example here's the /etc/nginx/include.d/all-common file that's included from both server contexts:

index index.html index.htm index.php .dirindex.php;
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

location ~ /\.ht {
  deny all;

location = /favicon.ico {
  log_not_found off;
  access_log off;

location ~ /(README|ChangeLog)$ {
  types { }
  default_type text/plain;
like image 111
Moritz Bunkus Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Moritz Bunkus