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Nginx - Search for static content in multiple directories?

Because of the way that our git repos are setup I have some static content that might be in one directory - and other content that might be in another directory. How can I ask nginx to search in two places for a static file like a stylesheet?

I originally thought that try_files had my answer - but I can't seem to get it to work.

try_files $uri /dir1/static/$uri /dir2/static/$uri @missing;
like image 517
Xeoncross Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 16:04


1 Answers

location ~* ^/just_test/(.+)$ {
    root /some/path/to/web/root;
    try_files /just_test/1/$1 /just_test/2/$1 /just_test/3/$1 @missing;
like image 91
CyberDem0n Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
