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Nginx rewrite rule with proxy pass

I'm trying to implement nginx rewrite rules for the following situation


Should be redirected to:


I tried this with no luck:

location /Shep.ElicenseWeb/ {     rewrite ^/Shep.ElicenseWeb/ /$1 last;     proxy_pass http://localhost:82; } 

What is the correct way to perform such a rewrite for nginx ?

like image 999
Eazy Avatar asked Nov 24 '12 07:11


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The syntax of rewrite directive is: rewrite regex replacement-url [flag]; regex: The PCRE based regular expression that will be used to match against incoming request URI. replacement-url: If the regular expression matches against the requested URI then the replacement string is used to change the requested URI.

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2 Answers

Your rewrite statement is wrong.

The $1 on the right refers to a group (indicated by paratheses) in the matching section.


rewrite  ^/Shep.ElicenseWeb/(.*)  /$1 break; 
like image 75
sureshvv Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09


You're missing a trailing slash:

location /Shep.ElicenseWeb/ {     proxy_pass http://localhost:82/; } 

This will work without a rewrite.

like image 20
Menasheh Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09
