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ng-options with disabled rows

Is it possible to use ng-options that it will render into disabled rows based on criteria?


 <select ng-options="c.name group by c.shade for c in colors"> 

maybe possible to turn into something like this:

 <select ng-options="c.name group by c.shade for c in colors | disabled(c.shade)"> 

and let's say via a filter that could return disabled='disabled' for all the colors that have shade = "dark"

<select>    <optgroup label="dark">       <option value="0" disabled="disabled">black</option>       <option value="2" disabled="disabled">red</option>       <option value="3" disabled="disabled">blue</option>    </optgroup>    <optgroup label="light">       <option value="1">white</option>       <option value="4">yellow</option>    </optgroup>  </select> 
like image 777
iLemming Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 21:04


People also ask

How do I give conditions in NG disabled?

Or you can use ng-disabled="condition1 || condition2" , is depend of you logic conditional.

How do I filter with Ng-options?

In AngularJS when you are using ng-options, you can filter out the options by calling a custom function you have in the controller. Let's say you have following set of employees and when you display all these employees inside HTML select using ng-options, you can see all the employees in a dropdown.

How do I set default selected value in ng-options?

In my opinion the correct way to set a default value is to simply pre-fill your ng-model property with the value selected from your ng-options , angular does the rest. Essentially when you define the $scope property your select will bind to assign it the default value from your data array.

How do you use NG-options?

The ng-options directive fills a <select> element with <options>. The ng-options directive uses an array to fill the dropdown list. In many cases it would be easier to use the ng-repeat directive, but you have more flexibility when using the ng-options directive.

1 Answers

@lucuma's answer (originally the accepted answer) was correct, but by now should be updated, because this was fixed in Angular 1.4. See the docs of ng-options which also contains an example.

I'm using Angular 1.5 and this works for me:


<select ng-model="$ctrl.selectedItem" ng-options="item as item.label disable when item.disabled for item in $ctrl.listItems">


vm.items = [ { id: 'optionA', label: 'Option A' }, { id: 'optionB', label: 'Option B (recommended)' }, { id: 'optionC', label: 'Option C (Later)', disabled: true } ]; vm.selectedItem = vm.items[1];

like image 152
Bart Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10
