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ng-click not firing in AngularJS while onclick does


I am trying to use AngularJS in my application and have been successful to some extent.

I am able to fetch data and display it to the user. And I have a button in ng-repeat via which I want to post DELETE request. Below is my code which does it.

<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">     <table class="table table-striped" ng-controller="FetchViewData">         <tr>             <td>Name</td>             <td>ID</td>             <td>Department</td>             <td></td>         </tr>         <tr ng-repeat="d in viewData">             <td>{{d.EmployeeName}}</td>             <td>{{d.EmployeeID}}</td>             <td>{{d.EmployeeDepartment}}</td>             <td>                 <button class="trashButton" type="button"                  name="view:_id1:_id2:_id14:_id24:btnDelete"                  id="view:_id1:_id2:_id14:_id24:btnDelete"                  ng-click="deleteRecord('{{d['@link'].href}}')">                 <img src="/trashicon.gif"></button>             </td>         </tr>     </table> </div> 

This is the FetchViewData function which fetches the information and displays it to the user.

function FetchViewData($scope, $http) {     var test_link = "<MY LINK>";     $http.get(test_link).success( function(data) {         $scope.viewData = data;     }); } 

The data is fetched and properly displayed.

But the code in ng-click="deleteRecord('{{d['@link'].href}}')" does not fire when delete button is clicked. In Google Chrome's developer tools I can see valid values are generated for code {{d['@link'].href}} but the code deleteRecord does not get fired. From this question I tried removing the braces and writing only d['@link'].href but it didn't work for me.

When I replace ng-click with onclick the deleteRecord function gets fired.

function deleteRecord(docURL) {     console.log(docURL);      $http.delete(docURL); } 

But then I receive the below error.

Uncaught ReferenceError: $http is not defined deleteRecord onclick 

I am using jQuery 1.10.2 and AngularJS v1.0.8.

like image 784
Naveen Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 08:10


2 Answers

FetchViewData here is a controller, and in your html, where you have ng-controller="FetchViewData", you are telling it to look within that controller's scope for any angular methods and variables.

That means, if you want to call a method on click, it needs to be calling something attached to your controller's scope.

function FetchViewData($scope, $http) {     var test_link = "<MY LINK>";     $http.get(test_link).success( function(data) {         $scope.viewData = data;     });     $scope.deleteRecord = function(docURL) {         console.log(docURL);          $http.delete(docURL);     }    } 

Here, the function exists on the scope, and any html that is inside your FetchViewData Controller has access to that scope, and you should be able to call your methods.

It's working when you use on-click because your function exists in the global namespace, which is where on-click is going to look. Angular is very heavily reliant on scoping to keep your namespaces clean, there's lots of info here: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/wiki/Understanding-Scopes

like image 183
B Cotter Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

B Cotter

INSTEAD of this


TRY this


You don't need to use curly brackets ({{}}) in the ng-click


like image 30
Rajsekhar Das Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Rajsekhar Das