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Nexus proxy repository




I'm new to Nexus. I have added a proxy repository for http://reflections.googlecode.com/svn/repo/. Its added successfully. I can browse the repository content in the 'Browse remote' tab. But when I point my maven to my local Nexus mirror & execute it fails while accessing dependency for reflections, its not able to locate it in my nexus repository.

like image 941
Rakesh Avatar asked Dec 21 '22 10:12


1 Answers

If you added the repository as a proxy repository in Nexus do not forget to add the proxy to the Repository Group which you use as mirror for all Nexus requests (public/snapshot) - assumed you have this kind of configuration.

(Took this from a former answer from me.)

like image 111
FrVaBe Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 08:12
