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Next.js Opt out of Layout Component for specific pages from _app.js

How to not wrap a specific page with Layout component in _app.js?

For example, I have two pages as pages/home and pages/about, now how can I not wrap my pages/home page with Layout component?


import "../styles/globals.css";
import Layout from "../components/Layout";

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {

      return (
          <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

What I have tried:


function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  console.log(typeof Component); // gives me a function

  switch (Component) {
    case Home():
      return <Component {...pageProps} />;
      return (
          <Component {...pageProps} />{" "}


import React from 'react';
const Home= () => {
  return (<div>Hello</div>);
export default Home;
like image 838
Shreyas Jadhav Avatar asked Dec 31 '22 15:12

Shreyas Jadhav

2 Answers

by checking the appProps.router.pathname property passed to it.

way 1

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, ...appProps }: AppProps) {

  // make function that will return the children based on router.pathname

  const getContent = () => {
    // array of all the paths that doesn't need layout
    if ([`/dashboard`].includes(appProps.router.pathname))
      return <Component {...pageProps} />;

    return (
        <Component {...pageProps} />{" "}

  return <ApplicationWrapper>{getContent()}</ApplicationWrapper>;

way 2

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps, ...appProps }: AppProps) {

    // use a LayoutComponent variable 
   // that switches to actual Layout or React.Fragment (no layout) 
   //accordingly to pathname

    const isLayoutNeeded = [`/dashboard`].includes(appProps.router.pathname);

    const LayoutComponent = isLayoutNeeded ? Layout : React.Fragment;


  return (<ApplicationWrapper> 
        <Component />


you can use path.startsWith to check all the paths, example

like image 154
Shreyas Jadhav Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 04:01

Shreyas Jadhav

I think there is cleaner way of doing this with Per-Page Layouts. I'm currently doing this simple by creating a default layout for all pages and override it for the pages that require specific layout, for example in my login and registration pages.

    export default function LoginPage() {
      return {
        /** Some JSX */
    // Return the page without additional layout.
    LoginPage.getLayout = (page) => page

    export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
      // Use the specified page layout or fallback to the default one.
      const getLayout = Component.getLayout ?? defaultPageLayout

      return getLayout(<Component {...pageProps} />)
like image 41
Ivan Nakov Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 06:01

Ivan Nakov