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Next Nearest Number Divisible By X [closed]



What I want to do essentially, is take any number a user has input, and round it to the next closest whole number divisible by X, excluding 1.

IE (X = 300):

Input = 1 Output = 300

Input = 500 Output = 600

Input = 841 Output = 900

Input = 305 Output = 300

like image 337
Laveer Avatar asked Mar 28 '13 00:03


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We have to find the number closest to n and divide by m. If there are more than one such number, then show the number which has maximum absolute value. If n is completely divisible by m, then return n. So if n = 13, m = 4, then output is 12.

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2 Answers

Just (integer) divide by X, add one, then multiply by X.

int output = ((input / x) + 1) * x;
like image 139
Blorgbeard Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10


Based on your example behaviour I would do something like this:

double GetNearestWholeMultiple(double input, double X)
      var output = Math.Round(input/X);
      if (output == 0 && input > 0) output += 1;
      output *= X;

      return output;
like image 5
Francis R. Griffiths-Keam Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Francis R. Griffiths-Keam