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Next JS Layout component, pass props to children

I have found a code that solved my problem in Next JS re rendering when changing pages. But now i need to send props to the children component. I got no idea how i can make it works here, this is my layout.js code. As you can see i can send props to Header component but for children i dont know how, because it is a variable and not a component.

import Header from "../components/header";
import Footer from "../components/footer";
import { Fragment } from "react";

export default function Layout({ children, ...pageProps }) {
  return (
      <Footer />

Thank you for the help

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JDLR Avatar asked Feb 28 '20 18:02


2 Answers

Have you considered using React's Context API? The idea is that when using the Context API your component's state get's lifted, to be managed at a global scale. If a component needs a prop, instead of passing props down manually (prop drilling) you can simply wrap you component in what's known as a context provider. This will allow that Component to access the global state of your application. This is good because, when your application gets bigger, you may need to pass props down through many components which can clutter and add unneeded confusion.

React provides some great documentation to set your React application up to use the Context API. Highly recommend checking it out!


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Lucas Raza Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11

Lucas Raza

Try this

import Header from "../components/header";
import Footer from "../components/footer";
import { Fragment } from "react";

export default function Layout({ children, ...pageProps }) {

  function recursiveMap(children, fn) {
    return React.Children.map(children, child => {
      if (!React.isValidElement(child) || typeof child.type == 'string') {
        return child;
      if (child.props.children) {
        child = React.cloneElement(child, {
          children: recursiveMap(child.props.children, fn)
      return fn(child);

  // Add props to all child elements.
  const childrenWithProps = recursiveMap(children, child => {
    // Checking isValidElement is the safe way and avoids a TS error too.
    if (isValidElement(child)) {
      // Pass additional props here
      return cloneElement(child, { currentUser: { ...user } })

    return child;

  return (
      <Footer />
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Akshit Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
