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Newbie and PHP Frameworks

I am a newbie in PHP Frameworks and would like to share/discuss some experience with you guys. Getting straight to the point, what I understand till now (from a newby stand of point is this):

  • CodeIgniter + Doctrine + Twigg = Symfony:
  • Zend + Doctrine + Twigg = Symfony

    1. Symfony 2, uses php5.3 (I realy like namespace stuff remind me .Net) but it lucks of tutorials right now (only partial jobeet translation to ver2)
    2. I enjoy CI community and noumerous tutorials, plus using Doctrine + Twigg I could achive the same with Symfony.
    3. Zend is more enterprise with lots of tutorials, but more difficult to grasp than CI.

So the question is should I start with CI + Doctrine or learn directly Symfony2? Am I correct with the above assumptions?

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Jim Avatar asked Jul 05 '11 09:07


2 Answers

Start with CodeIgniter if you are new to frameworks. Both Symfony and ZF have a greater learning curve and if you're not familiar with some concepts you might get fustrated in the beginning with the more complex frameworks .

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aditirex Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10


I would suggest you to go with Symfony 2 since it has got lots of good stuff built around it. Take a look at this article http://www.phparch.com/2010/02/symfony-2-benchmarks/.

Hope this link is very useful on learning Symfony 2. It's a tutorials based on days (21) teaching you how to create a calendar website. Good luck.



  1. http://symfony2easy.blogspot.com/
  2. http://www.dobervich.com/2011/03/03/symfony2-blog-application-tutorial-part-i-project-setup/, http://www.dobervich.com/2011/03/05/symfony2-blog-application-tutorial-part-ii-the-data-model/, http://www.dobervich.com/2011/03/09/symfony2-blog-application-tutorial-part-iii-routing-controllers-and-templates/
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Rakesh Sankar Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Rakesh Sankar