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New Xcode 10 Generating dsym File issue




In Xcode 9 it's working perfectly and Xcode 10 my mac is hanging when generating dSYM file.

I am using MobileVLCKit for playing Live Radio Streaming URL and when I removed MobileVLCKit then it's work in Xcode 10 also.

Anyone help me out from this things. In New Xcode 10 When I am Archive build of my Xcode Project for the production purpose at that time Xcode is hanging and my mac is also hanging and stuck at the generating dsym file.

Please see the screenshot for my Debug Information Formate settings.

enter image description here

like image 262
Jaydip Godhani Avatar asked Oct 04 '18 10:10

Jaydip Godhani

People also ask

What is dSYM file?

A dSYM file is a debug symbol file generated by Apple Xcode and has all the debugging information for the particular crash. They are useful for re-symbolicating the crash reports.

How do I upload dSYM to Crashlytics?

To manually upload your dSYMs, you can use the console-based "Drag and Drop" option to upload a zip archive containing your dSYM files (go to Firebase console > Crashlytics > dSYMs tab).

1 Answers

In project go to Build Settings and search for Debug Information format and change the format to DWARF. it will solve the issue.

like image 184
Rabia Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
