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New Relic for .Net? [closed]

Is there anything like New Relic for .Net apps?

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Sam Freiberg Avatar asked Jan 22 '10 23:01

Sam Freiberg

People also ask

What is New Relic .NET agent?

NET. With our . NET agent for application performance monitoring, you can: Use APM to get a high-level overview of your app, to see code-level details like transaction traces, database queries, and errors, and to track activity across a large distributed system.

How do I enable distributed tracing in New Relic?

Go to one.newrelic.com, and click Browser. Select an app, then click Application settings. Turn on the Distributed tracing toggle.

2 Answers

Sam, I'm happy to tell you that as of today, there is something that is very much like New Relic for .NET. It's New Relic for .NET. Same service, UI, pricing, etc. New agent that supports the .NET framework. Try it out for free: https://newrelic.com/docs/dotnet/new-relic-for-net.

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Lewis Cirne Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Lewis Cirne

dotTrace from jetbrains: http://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/index.html


ants profiler: http://www.red-gate.com/products/ants_performance_profiler/features.htm

I've used both and liked them both, not free though.

for insane profiling across processes and machines (in a SOA platform for instance) we have used dynaTrace http://www.dynatrace.com/en/ which is definately NOT free :)

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AndreasKnudsen Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10
