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New Project Create Problem After Android SDK Update



All of my existing projects are fine but, starting new projects has problems...

It appears the Main java file has the problem and the hover say's

"Java Type Language Cannot Be Resolved, It is Indirectly Referenced From Required .class files"

I created the new Projects just like I created the previous 50 projects (before updating the SDK).

Very frustrating (other bugs in the new release, too)...

I deleted the new projects and Imported them as suggested in other posts but, it didn't help.

I noticed the Main Layout (in graphic mode) say's,

"The project target is not set"

I don't know what that means given that the layout is within the project folder. The Build target is set to android 1.6

Also (this may be the issue) I get a message panel when finishing the project creation that say's the android

sdk/tools/lib/proguard.cfg(No such files or Directory)

Which, is true, there isn't one and that was a new addition to the sdk...

Any suggestion...? Thanks

like image 530
headscratch Avatar asked Dec 16 '10 23:12


1 Answers

I got this problem, and my solution is to set the target to other API level in project->properties->android, then set it back.

I think this will refresh the .classpath or some other files, not sure, but it works.

like image 142
VHanded Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 17:11
