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New OutputDeviceUID is nil msg when instantiating MPVolumeView

Today, likely as a result of upgrading to iOS 12.3 on my test phone, I am now receiving the following notifications in my debug console when I first instantiate my MPVolumeView.

019-05-21 11:00:22.874353-0600 sports-audio-dj[3831:982163] [MediaRemote] OutputDeviceUID is nil Speaker: (null)

I receive about 10+ of these.

Here is the code that kicks it off:

let volumeView = MPVolumeView(frame: self.view.bounds)

My code hasn't changed and I'd not seen this before today and wondering if anyone knows what is bringing this about and if I need to do anything about it if something is now unhappy. My app seems to work fine despite these new notifications.

like image 727
HOTGS James Avatar asked May 21 '19 17:05


1 Answers

iOS 13 has finally removed these errant debug messages.

like image 174
HOTGS James Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11