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new Audio() not Implemented in Internet explorer

I am trying to play an array of mp3 sound. I have an audio file in my html and get it using document.CreateElement() in my JavaScript.

When I try to set the src attribute (setAttribute("src", string)) I get an error in IE saying "Not Implemented".

I tried using the new Audio(), I get the same error in IE, "Not Implemented". Both approaches works in Google chrome and Firefox.

Can anyone help?

<audio id="audio1" >Not supported</audio>
audioElm = document.getElementById("audio1");
audioElm.setAttribute("src", aud[count]); 
like image 767
Ben Avatar asked May 05 '15 19:05


1 Answers

HTML5 Audio not playing in IE (recent versions)?

It could be a compatibility view issue (quirks mode)

  • is your site on the compatibility view list in IE?
  • or is your page embedded in an iframe?

It could be caused by running IE on a server

  • IE server versions don't support audio/video (enhanced protected mode)

It could be caused by running IE on a Windows 8.1 Enterprise version such as "8.1 N".

  • The fix for this would be installing the Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 8.1

Also you can go to html5test.com and look in the audio section at the "MP3 support".

like image 116
MEC Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09