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Never hide tabs in Eclipse? I would like to have smaller tabs also

I cant find anything related in the settings while searching "tabs". I dont care about the hiding feature so much, because I always loose the context, when all the sudden a tab disappears. The order of tabs gets mixed up visually.

like image 606
OneWorld Avatar asked Sep 14 '10 09:09


People also ask

How do I show all tabs in eclipse?

ctrl+shift+e gives a nice dialog with all open windows.

How do I hide all tabs in Windows?

enter WINDOWS KEY+M, all tabs will be minimized.

How do I hide tabs in Visual Studio?

Menu and title bar are in auto-hide mode and are accessible if you press "Alt" or "Ctrl-Q" hotkey or hover mouse over window top. Tabs can also be hidden and you can easily switch between them using "Ctrl-Tab" or "Ctrl-," and other navigation hotkeys.

1 Answers

Window > preferences > General > Appearance: Show traditional style tabs (for smaller tabs)

like image 128
dhill Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
