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Neural networks - input values


I have a question that may be trivial but it's not described anywhere i've looked. I'm studying neural networks and everywhere i look there's some theory and some trivial example with some 0s and 1s as an input. I'm wondering: do i have to put only one value as an input value for one neuron, or can it be a vector of, let's say, 3 values (RGB colour for example)?

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agnieszka Avatar asked Mar 16 '09 23:03


People also ask

What are input values in neural network?

Generally, the input for a single neuron is a value between 0 and 1. That convention is not just for ease of implementation but because normalizing the input values to the same range ensures that each input carries similar weighting.

What is input and output in neural network?

Input layer — initial data for the neural network. Hidden layers — intermediate layer between input and output layer and place where all the computation is done. Output layer — produce the result for given inputs.

What are neural inputs?

Neural Input Modeling (NIM) is a generative-neural-network framework that exploits modern data-rich environments to automatically capture simulation input distributions and then generate samples from them.

1 Answers

The above answers are technically correct, but don't explain the simple truth: there is never a situation where you'd need to give a vector of numbers to a single neuron.

From a practical standpoint this is because (as one of the earlier solutions has shown) you can just have a neuron for each number in a vector and then have all of those be the input to a single neuron. This should get you your desired behavior after training, as the second layer neuron can effectively make use of the entire vector.

From a mathematical standpoint, there is a fundamental theorem of coding theory that states that any vector of numbers can be represented as a single number. Thus, if you really don't want an extra layer of neurons, you could simply encode the RGB values into a single number and input that to the neuron. Though, this coding function would probably make most learning problems more difficult, so I doubt this solution would be worth it in most cases.

To summarize: artificial neural networks are used without giving a vector to an input unit, but lose no computational power because of this.

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zergylord Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
