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Networkx neighbor set not printing

I have a little problem with my networkx code. I am trying to find all the neighbors from a node in a graph, but....

neighbor = Graph.neighbors(element)


<dict_keyiterator object at 0x00764BA0>

Instead of all the neighbors I am supposed to get... A friend of mine, who is using an older version of networkx does not get this error, his code is exactly the same and works perfectly.

Can anyone help me? Downgrading my networkx is not an option.


This is my complete code

Graph = nx.read_graphml('macbethcorrected.graphml')    
actors = nx.nodes(Graph)

for actor in actors:
    degree = Graph.degree(actor)
    neighbor = Graph.neighbors(actor)
    print("{}, {}, {}".format(actor, neighbor, degree))

This is the graph I am using: http://politicalmashup.nl/new/uploads/2013/09/macbethcorrected.graphml

like image 885
Joep Groentesoep Avatar asked Nov 07 '17 15:11

Joep Groentesoep

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1 Answers

From networkx 2.0 onwards, Graph.neighbors(element) returns an iterator rather than a list.

To get the list, simply apply list


or use list comprehension:

neighbors = [n for n in Graph.neighbors(element)]

The first method (first mentioned by Joel) is the recommended method, as it's faster.

Reference: https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/classes/generated/networkx.Graph.neighbors.html

like image 197
Fabian Ying Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 03:11

Fabian Ying