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Networkx degree method didn't produce want I think it is

I ran the following script:

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge(1, 1, weight=2)
G.add_edge(1, 3, weight=2)
G.add_edge(1, 4, weight=1)
G.add_edge(1, 5, weight=5)
G.add_edge(2, 3, weight=3)
G.add_edge(2, 4, weight=2)
G.add_edge(3, 5, weight=4)

d = G.degree(1)

print G.edge[1]
print "Degree of node 1:", \
print "Weighted degree of node 1:", \
    G.degree(1, weight='weight')


The output is:

{1: {'weight': 2}, 3: {'weight': 2}, 4: {'weight': 1}, 5: {'weight': 5}}
Weighted degree: 5
Weighted degree: 12

And the drawing is like this:

degree of the graph

What confused me is:

Since there are 4 nodes adjacent to the node 1 (including itself), why the degree is 5?

Since the total weight of the adjacent edges of node 1 is 10 (2+2+1+5), why the degree method produced 12?


like image 625
Chloe Tsui Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 18:01

Chloe Tsui

2 Answers

For an undirected graph, the degree of a vertex is equal to the number of adjacent vertices.

A special case is a loop, which adds two to the degree. This can be understood by letting each connection of the loop edge count as its own adjacent vertex. In other words, a vertex with a loop "sees" itself as an adjacent vertex from both ends of the edge thus adding two, not one, to the degree.

like image 109
Zhengyang Liu Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 07:01

Zhengyang Liu

According to the definition of degree,

In graph theory, the degree (or valency) of a vertex of a graph is the number of edges incident to the vertex, with loops counted twice. (my emphasis)

So G.degree(1) is 5 since the loop from 1 to 1 is counted twice. The weighted degree also counts the loop twice, hence the total is 12 not 10, since the 1 node has weight 2.

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unutbu Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 07:01
