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Network error while connecting to sql server

I am using sql server 2008 and jtds driver to establish a connection between sql server and the jsp application. I code i used is

  java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect
     String url= "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://";
String id= "sfts";
String pass = "sfts";
     con = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, id, pass);
    }catch(Exception e){

While running this code, it showing error as

  java.sql.SQLException: Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

TCP/IP was set enabled and port number was set to 1433. But still it is showing this error.. What to do now??

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user636207 Avatar asked Nov 29 '11 07:11


1 Answers

Goto AllProgram->SQL Server 2008->configuraton tools->SQL Server Configuration Manager->SQL Server Network Configuration-> Select your server instance and right click on TCP/IP then goto IPAddresses. Change/Place port number for all IP's as 1433. Save it and restart the server. It Should solve your problem

like image 147
RAVITEJA SATYAVADA Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09