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NetSuite SuiteScript 2.0 Cannot programmatically enter Inventory Details sublist subrecord for partially created current record

I am trying to create the Inventory Details fields programmatically (automatically) via SuiteScript 2.0 in a Client Script using the code below. The item line on the Inventory Adjustment form would be partially entered (up to the Adjust Qty By field) at which point I would then like to add the Inventory Details automatically.

However the code errors on the line

inventoryDetailSubrecord = currentRecord.getSubrecord({
                           fieldId: 'inventorydetail'

with the error message SSS_INVALID_FIELD_ON_SUBRECORD_OPERATION. I have no idea why it would raise this error, since the fieldId definitely seems valid. There are almost no information available about this error. Does anyone know where I'm going wrong?

 * @NApiVersion 2.0
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount
define(['N/search'], function (s) {

   // Client Script global variables.
   var allowSave = true;
   var firstItemNegative = false;
   var firstItemParentID = -9999;

   function fieldChanged(context) {

      var currentRecord = context.currentRecord;    // Current opened record.
      var sublistName = context.sublistId;          // The internal ID of the sublist.
      var sublistFieldName = context.fieldId;       // The internal ID of the field that was changed.
      var currentLine = context.line;               // Line number (first line has value = 0) of Item User is on.

      // Run when the Item field of the inventory sublist changed.
      // Item for some reason does not fire a change event, so using item description instead.
      // This means the description has to be required for these types of items.
      if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description') {

         // Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
         var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
         // console.info("SS lines: " + lines);

         // if (currentRecord.isDynamic) {
         //    console.info("SS isDynamic: true");   // currentRecord is Dynamic.
         // } else {
         //    console.info("SS isDynamic: false");
         // }

      // Run when the Adjust Qty. By field of the inventory sublist changed.
      } else if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'adjustqtyby') {

         console.info("SS fieldChanged: " + (context.sublistId || "record") + "." + context.fieldId);
         console.info("SS currentLine: " + currentLine);

         // Check how many lines exist in the inventory sublist.
         var lines = currentRecord.getLineCount({sublistId: 'inventory'});
         console.info("SS lines: " + lines);

         var total;      // Total used to check whether sum of quantities is zero.
         var quantity;   // Used to hold quantity for current line item.
         var inventoryDetailSubrecord;   // Used to access the Inventory Detail Icon fields.

         for (var i = 0; i <= lines; i++) {

            // If we are on the first item line.
            if (i === 0) {

               if (i === currentLine) {
                  // Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
                  // Note that the value could be invalid in which case 0 is used.
                  // For partially entered lines.
                  total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
                     sublistId: "inventory",
                     fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
                  })) || 0);
               } else {
                  // Get the first item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
                  // For completed lines that have been Added.
                  total = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
                     sublistId: "inventory",
                     fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
                     line: i
                  })) || 0);
               console.info("SS total first line: " + total);

               // If the quantity of the first line is positive then this is a real Inventory Adjustment
               // and not a roll that was cut into smaller inventory.
               if (total >= 0) {
                  firstItemNegative = false;
               } else {
                  firstItemNegative = true;

            } else if (i > 0) {   // For non-first lines.

               if (i === currentLine) {

                  // Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
                  quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getCurrentSublistValue({
                     sublistId: "inventory",
                     fieldId: "adjustqtyby"
                  })) || 0);

                  // If the first item is negative then we have to increment the lot number.
                  if (firstItemNegative) {

                     // Get the inventory detail subrecord of the current line.
                     inventoryDetailSubrecord = currentRecord.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
                        sublistId: 'inventory',
                        fieldId: 'inventorydetail'

                     // If the inventory detail subrecord does not exist, then create one.
                     if (!inventoryDetailSubrecord) {

                        // Errors with SSS_INVALID_FIELD_ON_SUBRECORD_OPERATION.
                        inventoryDetailSubrecord = currentRecord.getSubrecord({
                           fieldId: 'inventorydetail'

                        // Select a new inventory detail subrecord line.
                           sublistId: 'inventory'

                        // Set the lot number.
                           sublistId: 'inventory',
                           fieldId: 'issueinventorynumber',
                           value: '1'

                        // Set the quantity.
                           sublistId: 'inventory',
                           fieldId: 'quantity',
                           value: quantity

                        // Commit the sublist.
                           sublistId: 'inventory'

                     }   // if (!inventoryDetailSubrecord)

                  }   // if (firstItemNegative)

               } else {
                  // Get the current item line's Adjust Qty. By field value.
                  quantity = (parseFloat(currentRecord.getSublistValue({
                     sublistId: "inventory",
                     fieldId: "adjustqtyby",
                     line: i
                  })) || 0);
               console.info("SS quantity: " + quantity);

               // If the first item is negative then we have to keep a running total of the quantities.
               if (firstItemNegative) {

                  total = total + quantity;
                  console.info("SS total other lines: " + total);

               } else {   // If the first item is positive we have to check that there are no other negative quantities.
                  if (quantity < 0) {
                     allowSave = false;
                     // Show modeless Netsuite banner message at top of screen that is replaced by subsequent messages.
                     // If you use the same id in the first parameter it will overwrite the message, if you supply a different id you will see new messages uniquely in the page.
                        "my_element_id",   // Dummy element id of alert.
                        "Error:",          // Message header.
                        'Inventory Item line number ' + (i + 1) + ' has a negative "Adjust Qty. By" field value. Negative values are only allowed for the first item.',
                        3,                 // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
                        "","","",""        // Not sure what this does.
            }   // if (i === 0)

         }   // for (var i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
         console.info("SS total end: " + total);

         // If the total of the quantities are not zero then error. Allow if only the first line exists.
         if (total !== 0 && lines !== 0) {
            allowSave = false;
            if (total < 0) {
                  "my_element_id",   // Dummy element id of alert.
                  "Error:",          // Message header.
                  'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are under by ' + (-total),
                  3,                 // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
                  "","","",""        // Not sure what this does.
            } else {
                  "my_element_id",   // Dummy element id of alert.
                  "Error:",          // Message header.
                  'Error: The total of the "Adjust Qty. By" fields must equal zero. You are over by ' + total,
                  3,                 // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
                  "","","",""        // Not sure what this does.
         } else {
            allowSave = true;

      }   //  if (sublistName === 'inventory' && sublistFieldName === 'description')

      // Clear any error messages to show that all fields validated.
      if (allowSave) {
            "my_element_id",   // Dummy element id of alert.
            "Success:",          // Message header.
            'Validation passed.',
            0,                 // Colour of alert: 0 - Success (green), 1 - Information (blue), 2 - Warning (yellow), 3 - Error (red)
            "","","",""        // Not sure what this does.

   }   // fieldChanged

   function saveRecord() {
      // debugger;
      console.info("SS saveRecord");
      if (!allowSave) {
         alert("Error: Save failed. There are error messages at the top of the page.");
      return allowSave;
   }   // saveRecord

   return {
      fieldChanged: fieldChanged,
      saveRecord: saveRecord

});   // Define
like image 950
Superdooperhero Avatar asked Dec 28 '18 12:12


1 Answers

Subrecords cannot be created with a client script. You'll need to use a user event script, or, maybe post to a Suitelet from your client script.

The error is caused because NetSuite attempts to create the record if it doesn't exist when using getSubrecord.

From the documentation:

A client script may not create subrecords on the current record and is limited to read-only access of existing subrecords on the current record. The client script may remove the subrecord from the current record.

like image 178
ehcanadian Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
