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"netcoreapp1.0" is an unsupported framework. - Asp.Net Core Music Store

I'm just trying out asp.net core for the first time. Opening up the newly updated music store app but I can't get it to build Nuget tells me:

Errors in C:\development\MusicStore\test\E2ETests\project.json
    "netcoreapp1.0" is an unsupported framework.

How can I get the .net framework reference to restore?

like image 982
simon831 Avatar asked May 12 '16 08:05


1 Answers

RC2 was released yesterday, and now you can. You need:

  1. Install tooling for VS2015 from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=798481 (link from step 1)
  2. Upgrade NuGet (VS Extensions) - (auto-updated) works for me, but version 3.5.0 (beta) is recommended here (second link in step 1).
  3. Edit your global.json file - update version property to 1.0.0-preview1-002702 (details here)
like image 54
Dmitry Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 00:12
