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Netbeans Maven Project Not adding Main Class to Manifest


I am having a similar problem to this question. I have tried all the suggestions listed and am still at a loss. My issue is that I am trying to build a maven project and distribute it to other machines, but the jar files are not being populated with a correct Manifest. Each time I build and run I get the following error: no main manifest attribute, in myjar.jar. Is there some sort of configuration file I need to edit? I just don't know what is going on. I have attempted this fix also, but to no avail.

like image 765
derigible Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 21:03


People also ask

How do you make a class a main class in NetBeans?

Right-click the user name package and select New -> Java Main Class... Name your class Menu . Run the project. You will be prompted to select the main class.

Does NetBeans not have a main class set?

Make sure all files are saved first. If you try to run a program where the class containing the main method has not been saved, this can happen. Right-click on the project name (in the Projects explorer), then select Properties > Run - and then make sure the main class is selected there.

2 Answers

Another option is to use the maven shade plugin. Unlike the maven jar plugin showed by tigran, the maven shade plugin includes your dependencies in the generated jar. A sample usage of the plugin is :

                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
like image 37
fboulay Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


You can add it into project's pom file, inside <project> tag:

like image 113
kofemann Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
