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netbeans installation error: can't initialize ui running in headless mode

I'm trying to install NetBeans on Linux Mint, and I'm getting the following error every time I run the installation script:

Configuring the installer... Searching for JVM on the system... Extracting installation data... Running the installer wizard... Can`t initialize UI Running in headless mode

What should I do to get it working?

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niravb Avatar asked Dec 22 '11 16:12


1 Answers

In case anyone has this problem in the future, Netbeans doesn't like OpenJDK 6 but -- fortunately -- it works fine with OpenJDK 7 (as expected as for Java 7 OpenJDK is the reference implementation). Just make sure you remove any Java 6 packages before installation attempts. On Ubuntu and Mint one can do:

sudo apt-get purge ^openjdk-6-*
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

It should work afterwards.

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mgol Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
