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Netbeans IDE Project Window not visible





The project window within Netbeans IDE is not being displayed. I tried bunch of different things, but the Project window does not open at all.

Things I already tried:

  • Tried with multiple version of Netbeans and JDE, currently using Netbeans IDE 8.2 on MAC.
  • Tried to reset windows using Reset Windows, cmd 1, open existing project, create new project. But still the project window does not open within Netbeans IDE.

I made a clean install on MAC with different version of Netbeans, but the issue remains in all. Any suggestion would be helpful.

like image 789
Qasim Avatar asked Feb 20 '18 09:02


People also ask

How do I show project window in NetBeans?

Right-click the module project, choose New > File/Folder and choose Window Component from the NetBeans Module Development category. Click Next. Choose editor in the drop-down list and select Open on Application Start.

1 Answers

Have you tried running it with java 8? If you're using java 9 or 10, you don't get a Projects window because NB 8.2 isn't compatible with them.

There's more info at How can I install Netbeans with JDK 10.

like image 161
rocko Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 04:10
