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NetBeans always shows warning: "The authenticity of host x can't be established" after upload, download or synchronize

I'm currently using NetBeans 6.9 with the PHP plugin and a PHP Application from Remote Server project. However, every time I upload or download with it, I'm prompted with a warning that reads:

The authenticity of host x can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is y. Are you sure you want to continue connecting?

Can I store the RSA key fingerprint of the remote server or not have NetBeans confirm the key before taking action?

I'm connecting to my own server, so yes, I always trust it. Getting that popup is annoying and I would like to be able to simply have a way of either checking the key against a stored key and telling me if the key changes or just connecting to the server I tell it to, regardless of the RSA key fingerprint.

like image 476
Thomas Owens Avatar asked Jul 25 '10 11:07

Thomas Owens

1 Answers

You can create an empty file and set it as the Known Hosts File in the Manage Remote Connections window. The next time you tell NetBeans to connect anyway, it will save the fingerprint in that file and stop bothering you. I think it's safe to assume that if the key changes, you will be prompted again.

  1. Open an Explorer window and navigate to Documents/NetBeansProjects
  2. Create a text file called KnownHosts.txt
  3. In Netbeans right-click on a project
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Run Configuration
  6. Click Manage
  7. Next to the input field Known Host Files click Browse
  8. Navigate to the directory where you created the KnownHosts text file
  9. Select that file
  10. Click OK
  11. Click OK
  12. In the project upload something. The prompt will appear this one time but not again.
like image 132
Mike Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10
