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Netbeans 7 vs Eclipse 3.6 for Java, git and vim [closed]


Both of them have a lot of features and are very popular, but which is better?

To reduce subjective answers, please answer this points:

  1. Code Refactoring.

  2. Unit testing, debugging.

  3. Git support.

  4. Vim support.(available plugins and their quality, eclim, jVi).

  5. Easy of use(theme support, formatting, configuration, other plugins).

  6. Maven and Ant support.

  7. Web development(glassfish, groove, grails, spring).

  8. Desktop app development.(swing, gwt, swt).

  9. Mobile development(Android support and other platforms)

  10. Game development(which engines have better support, for example Jmonkey uses Netbeans).

  11. Bonus question: Support of other languages Python, PHP, C++ and.

For every point that IDE does well, you can give it +1, so in the end:

Netbeans 8

Eclipse 7

Conclusion: Which one is better overall and which you would choose for:

  1. Desktop development.
  2. Web development.

Additional question:

Which IDE is being used in major companies?(Google uses eclipse, Oracle use Netbeans)

like image 720
Marcus Maxwell Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 12:04

Marcus Maxwell

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Which is better Eclipse or NetBeans?

Apache NetBeans is geared primarily toward Java, C, C++, Python, PHP and HTML development. Eclipse is primarily designed for Java projects, but it supports more than two dozen languages in its plugin ecosystem. Eclipse also provides support for C# and R, which NetBeans does not cater to as much.

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Is NetBeans better than Eclipse Reddit?

Important plugins get pulled into "core" Netbeans, meaning they get much more testing and QA than independent Eclipse plugins. I found that Eclipse plugins vary wildly in terms of quality. Eclipse you have to tweak and customize and install plugins to make it usable. Netbeans is better out of the box.

Is Eclipse same as Java?

Eclipse is an open-source and free IDE with a modular architecture. It is the most popular Java IDE. It provides support for the development of many languages but it is mostly focused on Java and C/C++ development.

1 Answers

Note, these are largely my personal opinions; don't take everything too literally.

Eclipse, NetBeans and also IntelliJ IDEA are all very good and capable IDEs. In the end, it doesn't really matter which one you choose; they are all more than good enough for serious professional software development for Java SE and Java EE. I've used all three.

IDEA was tradionally known as the IDE with the best refactoring tools, but the current versions of Eclipse and NetBeans also have very good refactoring tools.

IDEA has built-in Git support. Don't know about Eclipse and NetBeans.

NetBeans and IDEA have very good built-in Maven support. For Eclipse, you need a plug-in (for example m2eclipse) and in my experience it's not as well integrated as in NetBeans and IDEA.

When you get the Java EE package of NetBeans, you get a bundled Glassfish server with it, which is very easy to use. I'm sure that with Eclipse and IDEA you can configure them to use Glassfish too, but it's undoubtedly going to be a little more work to setup than with NetBeans.

NetBeans has a great Swing GUI builder. Eclipse doesn't have a built-in GUI builder, but you can get Google WindowBuilder Pro which supports Swing, SWT and GWT.

The official Android SDK etc. comes with a set of Eclipse tools. IDEA also has support for Android development, but I don't know how good it is.

Last time I tried, the support for other languages than Java (for example, JavaScript) was better in NetBeans than in Eclipse.

As far as I know, Eclipse is still the number one most used Java IDE, but NetBeans and IDEA are also very popular.

For Scala development, IDEA has the best support at the moment in my opinion. The Scala team is working on an Eclipse-based IDE for Scala, but in my experience it is less stable than IDEA's Scala support. For NetBeans, there is a Scala plug-in but only one person seems to be working on it; last time I used it, it was buggy, slow and had memory leaks.

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Jesper Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 05:11
